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_My Love Story_

Assalamualaikum wbt,  Halow Gais... Its been a while since I wrote about a philosophy. Well its bored, I know. So, what is Love??? A feeling towards someone that makes you feel comfortable, protected, and a hell feeling like you want to be with them all the time.. macam belangkas kata orang. Al kisah... Dulu aq pernah suka dengan someone, sama Daerah & bekerja sebagai penjawat awam. Tapi, my father didnt like it, IDK.. and so, after some time.. almost 1 years we broke up. Huhhh sakit. That is the first time I felt so hurt.  Sebulan kemudian.. Aq pulang ke kampus, sambung pengajian, dengan perasaan sedih sbb single, cannot move on yet, but suddenly someone came to me, untuk berkawan. So, kami punya kos berbeza tetapi duduk dlm kelas sama utk pengajian bahasa. We start to get to know each other, well he thought that Im cute by that time. Pada suatu petang, aq tgh tggu bas, then at the same time, aq naj ke kedai runcit. FYI aq ddk kolej jauh dgn fakulti so kene naik bas and bas plak l

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